Think integrity,
do safe and sound business

Corporate Risk Watch is a corporate intelligence and risk advisory firm with a global reach and a consolidated experience in the sector. We help our clients to protect their reputation from the risk of illegal or unethical business practices related to their counterparties.


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Article / italia economy

CRW apre una sede a Praga

July 2024
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Article / italia economy

L’IA e la tutela dei diritti umani

May 2024
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Article / Il Sole 24 Ore

Rischio reputazionale e due diligence sulla supply chain: i nuovi passi della normativa in Europa e in Italia

April 2023
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Corporate Risk Watch stands by enterprises as a provider of the digital platform WhistleblowingIT
A project promoted by the Italian division of Transparency International, among the world's leading organizations in the fight against corruption and an active promoter of the European whistleblowing directive.

Why Corporate

Risk Watch?

We have conducted houndreds of projects which have helped our clients to put integrity and resiliance at the centre of their business. We help you obtain reliable and independent information that you need to safeguard your integrity and business.
About Us

We stand out for:

High level of expertiese based on longstanding, consolidated experience in conducting corporate investigations.
Wide geographic coverage and an extensive network of partners, associates and industry experts covering all five continents, including the most complex jurisdictions.
Multilingual team of analysts and managers with investigative and analytical skills in the areas of reputational, political and financial risk. We are fluent in the most widely-used languages.
Added value research, analysis and human intelligence to information obtained through open source research and Artificial Intelligence systems.
Personalised and flexible methodology based on a risk-based approach, always abreast of the latest legislation and guidelines in the areas of anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and ESG issues.
Use of innovative research, analysis and risk assessment tools.

How can we help?

In the globalised world, companies are increasingly exposed to reputational, legal and financial risks related to their clients, suppliers, business partners and employees, which are often hidden and difficult to identify. 
We provide intelligence and advisory services to help clients mitigate these risks and take safe, informed business decisions.


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