Due Diligence. We help you to protect your business reputation from the risks of corruption, money laundering, sanctions and human rights violations and obtain key information to support your strategic decisions.

Companies are increasingly dependent on third party relationships. There are many potential issues of concern that companies need to understand in relation to them, to protect their business.

You are going to enter in a business relationship with a new key supplier or are taking over a company, perhaps in a jurisdiction where business environment and practices are not known to you. Do you know if there are any issues of concern associated with this third party?

Our due diligence is conducted with a risk-based approach and focuses on identifying potential reputational issues related to third-party relationships including business integrity issues; financial crime issues; human rights violations; sanctions; as well as licensing and permit irregularities. Our due diligence helps you to meet your compliance requirements in the areas of corruption, money-laundering, regulatory,  environment, social & governance (ESG) issues and to obtain key information to support your strategic decisions.

We use bespoke research and innovative risk assessment methods which enable you to take informed and risk-based decisions and to manage complex situations with more confidence.


We help you take informed and risk-based decisions. Benefit from our experience.

You can purchase one of our due diligence reports directly or discuss with us how we can help you.

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