Strategic Due Diligence. We extend the integrity due diligence to business-related aspects to help you take strategic decisions in relation to transactions such as joint ventures and M&A

An integrity due diligence is not just a defensive tool aimed at mitigating risks, but can be designed to become a pro-active tool which serves to develop a better knowledge of those doing business with you, in support of strategic decisions.

The principles of a strategic due diligence are the same as for the integrity due diligence: conducting extensive research and analysis of a company to mitigate risks associated with a third party. However, research and analysis are extended to other aspects which are not strictly compliance-related, to develop a better understanding of specific, business-related risk aspects of a supplier or a customer. These can include a company’s industry positioning, its financial and economic reliability or specific issues related to its business operations.

In a context in which the rapidly changing international geopolitical environment is bringing new players to the fore on a global scale, our Strategic Due Diligence helps clients to not just protect their financial, technological and human assets but also to increase their competitiveness.

Case Study: Investment in the luxury hotel business

A client interested in purchasing a group operating in the management of hotels and wanted to ensure that there were no issues of concern attached to the group, in addition to obtaining any relevant information on the group’s business strategy.

Systematic analysis of all publicly available documentation including the financial statements of the various companies did not reveal any issues of concern. However, on-the ground enquiries revealed that over the previous six months one of the companies which owned a hotel had been performing badly because of a series of wrong strategic decisions linked to quality and pricing, taken by a newly hired manager who was a relative of one of the main shareholders.

Based on the results, the client changed the negotiation terms linked of the deal and took a series of informed decisions aimed at mitigating the risks attached to it.

We help you take informed and risk-based decisions. Benefit from our experience.

You can purchase one of our due diligence reports directly or discuss with us how we can help you.


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Article / italia economy

CRW apre una sede a Praga

July 2024
CRW (Corporate Risk Watch), specializzata nell’attività di integrity due diligence amplia la propria presenza all’estero e apre una sede a Praga
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